The Rebbe and his teachings are the constant guide, inspiration and impetus for all that we do at Chabad RGV. "Never underestimate the power of a simple, pure deed done from the heart.
The world is not changed by men who move mountains, nor by those who lead the revolutions, nor by those whose purse strings tie up the world. Dictators are deposed, oppression is dissolved, entire nations are transformed by a few precious acts of beauty performed by a handful of unknown soldiers.
As Maimonides wrote in his code of law, “Each person must see himself as though the entire world were held in balance and any deed he may do could tip the scales.”
-From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

There is no mystery to our phi
Yet our philosophy remains surprisingly simple: Love EVERY Jew. Reach out to EVERY Jew. We open our arms and our hearts to ALL regardless of education or background. With no distinction of denominational group, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Orthodox or anything in between. It is this simple: A Jew is a Jew!
Chabad is a vibrant, dynamic force on Jewish life, the world's largest Jewish educational outreach organization. Indeed, Chabad pioneered the concept that the Torah must be accessible to men, and women and children at every social, economic, and educational level and its programs touch the lives of millions of people. We’re innovators who believe in people!
Join us at Chabad RGV for one of our many growing events and your soul will quench its thirst for meaning and purpose. You will come away with a new love and appreciation for life, family and G‑d. You won’t find us only talking about concepts; we bring them to life!
Rabbi Asher and Dina Hecht
Directors Chabad RGV